
APJN provides evidence-based prevention training for a wide array of audiences including schools, colleges, sororities, fraternities, scout troops, community groups, teacher trainings, peer educators, and more. See below for a list of workshop topics. Contact us any time with questions, comments, concerns, or to schedule a workshop. Most workshops are conversational in nature and include slides, videos, and activities that seek to create a dialogue around these important issues.

THE WORKSHOPS: We are ever adapting these to meet people where they are and give everybody what they want. This is a sample list. Download the full descriptions here.

  • Bullying & Violence Prevention Using the Award-Winning, Evidence-Based Curriculum, Second Step
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Conflict Management
  • Difficult Dialogues
  • De-escalation
  • Gender Stereotypes
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Learning Good Consent
  • Media Literacy
  • Nonviolent Communication
  • Peer Mediation
  • Self & Community Regulation
  • Sexual Assault Prevention
  • Meeting Facilitation & Consensus Based Decision-Making

Be Kind to Your Peers: Bullying Prevention

This programming utilizes The Second Step Bullying and Violence Prevention curriculum. Second Step is an internationally used program (reaching millions of students in 70 countries) that teaches social and emotional skills to prevent bullying and violence in schools. It teaches children skills in empathy, problem solving, impulse control and anger management. It is story-based and includes group discussion, role-plays, interactive games, songs and puppets for younger students and video vignettes for older children. These lessons not only improve social skills in the classroom, but they offer guidelines for effective, respectful behavior throughout a child’s lifetime. Although this programing can be implemented in as few as two class periods, to obtain the full effect of this training reported by research on the effectiveness of Second Step, the full 23 session curriculum is recommended.

Key concepts & skills: empathy, emotion management, feelings/emotions, problem solving, and impulse control.



What can you do to prevent violence? Bystander Intervention

Bystander intervention is a philosophy and strategy for the prevention of various types of violence including bullying, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence. This workshop teaches students various strategies to intervene in abusive or potentially abusive situations and provides the opportunity to practice these skills.

Key concepts & skills: assertive communication, peer disclosures of abuse, problem solving, and bystander intervention.




Cyberbullying: Relational Abuse in Online Space

As students interact more and more in online spaces, concerns related to cyber bullying have also increased. This program aims to inform students about the attitudes and behaviors associated with cyberbullying and teaches students the skills to treat each other with respect in online spaces. Programing gives students information about how to get help if they or someone they know are cyberbullied.

Key concepts & skills: cyberbullying, bystander intervention, cyber ethics, cyber safety, cyber security, and peer disclosure of abuse.

Healthy Ways to Resolve Conflict in Relationships

Although conflict is natural in relationships, conflict management in relationships is incredibly difficult. This workshop is designed to teach students healthy strategies to deal with and peacefully resolve conflict in their relationships both with friends and romantic partners.

Key concepts & skills: emotion management, conflict resolution, feelings/emotions, listening, and problem solving.

Dissecting Relationships in the Media

Movies, television, and other media are an enjoyable part of our modern lives, but sadly, the relationships portrayed in these media often exhibit more unhealthy relationship behaviors than healthy. This programming is designed to utilize media examples to help students learn to critically analyze media for the subtle messages they send about being in relationships with friends and romantic partners. Older students will learn how these subtle messages impact our ability to negotiate sexual boundaries.

Key concepts & skills: gender roles, media literacy, cycle of abuse, desensitization, and sex roles.

Romantic Relationships Using Digital Media

Students are increasingly creating and maintaining relationships utilizing digital media increasing the need for students to understand the risks and benefits of utilizing digital technologies in relationships. In this programming, students will explore the pros and cons of utilizing digital media to share sexually suggestive and/or explicit photographs/messages and brainstorm best-practices while fostering relationships through digital media.

Key concepts and skills: sexting, cyber privacy, cyber security, cyber ethics, and non-consensual sext messages.

Characteristics of Healthy Romantic Relationships

Romantic relationships are full of “ups” and “downs”, but how does one tell the difference between “downs” and unhealthy relationship behaviors? This programming helps students identify healthy and unhealthy feelings and behaviors in romantic relationships and offers healthy strategies on how to deal with emotions in relationships. This programming also discusses the complexities of intimate partner violence and the characteristics of those relationships.

Key concepts and skills: intimate partner violence, cycle of abuse, feelings/emotions, and unhealthy relationship behaviors.

How to Talk about Sexual Boundaries

Although talking about our desires related to physical intimacy in relationships is very difficult, it is important to be able to communicate your sexual boundaries to your romantic partners. This programming aims to give students strategies on how to talk about their sexual boundaries with their partner and learn how to avoid crossing someone else’s sexual boundaries.

Key concepts and skills: abstinence, consent, sexual intimacy, and barriers to talking about sexual intimacy.

Staying Healthy in Sexual Relationships

It is important that students understand how to stay healthy when they decide to become sexually active. This programming aims to give students an overview of contraception, STI (sexually transmitted infections), and reproductive health, but also covers issues of emotional health in sexual relationships.

Key concepts and skills: abstinence, consent, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, reproductive health, feelings/emotions, and sexual intimacy.

Relationships that Hurt: Sexual Assault & Intimate Partner Violence

Although our society has made great strides in understanding and combating sexual assault and intimate partner violence (IPV), there are still many myths about the perpetrators and victims of these types of abuse. Holding such myths makes it more difficult to identify such abuse in our own relationships and in that of others. This programming takes a public health approach to teaching students about the prevalence of sexual assault and IPV in our communities and how to combat it in our relationships and in those of others.

Key concepts and skills: sexual assault, intimate partner violence, consent, cycle of abuse, and bystander intervention.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

This workshop builds on the foundational work of Marshall Rosenberg. NVC is a way to communicate that emphasizes personal responsibility and feelings. Participants will learn the four components of NVC: observation, feelings, needs and requests. We will then practice using NVC in our personal lives and at work.

Key concepts and skills: observation, listening, feelings/emotions, needs/requests, and problem solving.

Peer Mediation

Peer mediation teaches students how to help other students deescalate conflict. Students will practice remaining neutral and helping others share their perspectives. They will get training in identifying the core problem as well as brainstorming solutions. Participants will leave the training with all of the tools necessary to successfully implement a peer mediate program. The full workshop includes a 12 hour training for peer mediators, the creation of a coordinating committee, and follow up after the mediation group has been established.

Key concepts and skills: neutrality, listening, confidentiality, perspective, deescalate, brainstorming solutions, and problem solving.


To set up free classes or trainings, please contact

Mara Giglio, APJN’S Director and Trainer,

at or 740-517-2894.


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